Conditions of Participation

  1. Participation to the contest is free of charge.
  2. All participants must be at the age of 18-35.
  3. Participation in the competition is open to all amateur or professional photographers. The participant shall not be a citizen of the Republic of Turkey, and photographers from other countries are also welcome to participate. The Executive Committee, the competition Secretariat, the jury members and the TFSF representative and their first-degree relatives cannot participate in the competition.
  4. Each contestant may participate with maximum 4 (four) Digital Color or Black & White photographs.
  5. Participants acknowledge, declare and undertake that they fully own the photographs they will upload to the web site for the contest, and all relevant permissions are obtained. Any action to the contrary will be considered as a violation of the rules.
  6. Any intervention or modification by contestants, aiming to mislead the assessment committee by presenting another person’s photograph as their own work will be considered as a violation of rules.
  7. Contestants violating the rules will be subject to the sanctions provided in the “TFSF Contest Organization Standard Guidelines” (TR: ENG: /contest_regulatory_standards.pdf) Article 13. Any award, title or other achievement of the contestant will be revoked. The place of the revoked award will be left blank. The situation will be reported to FIAP. If an award is honored, the participant will be required to return the award immediately.
  8. Photographers who are subject to an effective restriction by TFSF and photographers who are in FIAP’s red list may not participate in the contest.
  9. The regulatory institution will determine participants who are in the TFSF restriction list and the FIAP Red List prior to the jury assessment and disqualify such participants.
  10. By participating in a contest of TFSF and FIAP patronage, contestants are deemed to have acknowledged that the photographs submitted to the contest may be subject to an assessment for compliance with the TFSF and FIAP rules and definitions, whether or not the contestant is a member of TFSF and FIAP. TFSF and FIAP may conduct such assessment utilizing any means and techniques it possesses. In cases where the participant fails to submit the information requested, fails to submit the original file taken with the camera or fails to cooperate with TFSF and FIAP for the resolution of any legal, administrative, etc. problem, the contestant will be restricted by TFSF and FIAP due to violation of rules and his/her name will be intact. It is recommended that the EXIF data of the photographs submitted for the contest are preserved undistorted to facilitate potential investigations.
  11. Ministry of Youth and Sports may require the originals of the awarded photographs to be submitted by the relevant participants, with a short side of minimum 2200 pixels and bit depth of 300 dpi.
  12. The contest results will be announced on the MoYS’s website,ICFY’S website and the TFSF websites as well as TFSF’s following addresses: and; and additionally will be informed  to all participants via e-mail.
  13. The Prizes of the first, second and third place, Ministry of Youth and Sports special prize on promoting the art of photography and Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum special prize on promoting the art of photography will be delivered by hand and in cash to the prize-winning photographers, during the World Volunteering Summit to be organized by Turkey in December 2019 in Istanbul .Domestic and International transportation fees, accommodation and food expenses of the prize-winning photographers will be covered.
  14. Photographers who win the medal prizes of FIAP and TFSF may participate in the award ceremony if they wish, providing that they cover their own personal expenses. If the photographers who won medals are unable to participate in the award ceremony, their awards will be sent, upon request, to their postal address.