Submittal of Photographs

  1. As the contest will be organized online, no other alternative submittal methods (email, cargo, personal delivery, etc.) will be accepted.

  2. Online submittal of the contest photographs will be performed digitally only via the following two web addresses:



  3. Participants are obliged to go to the website, sign up as a member and approve the contest specifications. By ticking the check box, the contestants are deemed to have accepted all terms and conditions of the specifications. The membership will be finalized after clicking the activation link sent to the member’s e-mail address by the system.

  4. Existing members can use their existing user names and passwords.

  5. Sizing and naming of the photographs to be submitted must be performed in advance, the files must be made ready and uploaded in a single session.

  6. Contest photographs must be saved in the jpg/jpeg format, 300 dpi and 7-12 compression quality, with a short edge of minimum 1920 pixels and a long edge of maximum 3200 pixels, and the size of the files should not be less than 2 Mb and more than 4 Mb.

  7. The Participants will add an explanation text for each of the photos composed of at least 500 but not exceeding 2000 characters while submitting photographs. The explanation text might be in English, Arabic, French or Turkish.

    • h. File names should not include more than 31 characters. File names should not include the characters “ç, ı, ğ, ö, ş, ü”. English letters and under-bar character ( _ ) may be used.
    • i. All letters should be lowercase letters, except for country codes and section definition letters.
    • j. In case of any problems arising from the system or the user during the online sign-up or participation phases, users must contact the e-mail address. The problem will be resolved, and the participant will be informed as soon as possible. Photographs sent to the said address will not provide participation in the contest.